What are the differences between C and C++?

Posted on July 20th, 2022

Since the advent of computers, the list of programming languages has diversified and evolved. Still, some languages have stood the test of time and are as important today as they were two decades ago. Today, several high-level programming languages are essential for developers like Python, Spark, Ruby, Java, and many more. Even though high-level programming languages are becoming more elaborate every day, few languages have been more influential than C and its more modernized variant C++. These two are among the oldest programming languages yet are still heavily used in various organizations.

The Elevator Pitch: C and C++

C is a procedural language that Dennis Ritchie developed between 1969 to 1973. C, a mid-level programming language, can bridge the gap between low-level machine-understandable assembly languages and high-level user-friendly programming languages. C’s versatility and simplicity make it an ideal candidate for system programming, and to this day, several compilers, databases, and operating systems are built using C. The successor of C, C++, is an object-oriented programming language with additional features like abstraction and high-level features and quickly found its use in similar areas. This article discusses the key differences between the two languages.

What is C?

One of the oldest programming languages, C is a mid-level, general-purpose language used widely due to its simplicity. As a mid-level language, C can combine the components of low and high-level programming languages. Even though it is primitive, learning how to code in C can help developers better understand other high-level programming languages. C is a procedural language that relies on minimal keywords and is exceptionally clean and easy to write, which helps developers increase their productivity and SD velocity. Code written in C is easily portable with little to no changes as C is understood by most language compilers. This code can also be easily extended with additional libraries and different languages.

Due to this ability of C being so close to hardware and still easily integrable with high-level programming languages, it is used widely in developing operating system kernels. Many databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle are produced with C.

C has various arithmetic and logical operators, making it extremely useful in embedded systems. This language has many tools that make it powerful, such as implicit conversions, recursive functions, and user-defined data types.

C also comes with low-level memory access that helps developers access machine memory by converting memory to pointers. Using libraries, developers can also perform complex operations like I/O, string manipulation, and elaborate mathematic calculations. They can leverage modularity, reuse existing code, and develop their libraries with user-defined functions.




Here is a list of the pros and cons of the C language:


  • C is a lightweight programming language that can be written quickly and compiled faster.
  • Easy to port and expand as the ASCII language is compatible with most compilers.
  • C allocated memory dynamically.
  • Easy to debug due to the simplicity of the code.
  • Modularity allows developers to use reuse pieces of code.


  • Lack of abstraction leads to the code being harder to write.
  • Due to the lack of the object-oriented concept of classes, code reusability can become tricky in larger projects.
  • C cannot perform garbage collection. Hence unused memory has to be deallocated manually using functions like malloc.
  • No exception handling means developers must write additional code to handle errors.
  • Inefficient memory allocation forces developers to write the logic for memory allocation and deallocation, making the coding process difficult.

What is C++?

Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ in the 1980s as an extension of its predecessor, C. C++, sometimes called C with classes, is one of the oldest languages that popularized the concept of Object-Oriented Programming. It combines the procedural functionality of C with the more modern features of OOP. Just like C, C++ is easy to write, simple, and easy to port. Developers use it for training in understanding object-oriented programming concepts.

Although C++ borrows a lot of valuable features from C, the support for OOP sets it apart from its predecessor. The concepts of inheritance and abstraction make writing code easier and help with reusability. Developers use C++ as a system language due to its closeness to assembly and the more scalable languages of today. It can be used to design GUIs, Operating Systems, and even video games.

C++ offers efficient memory management with the help of several memory management operators that enhance the program’s performance. With dynamic and static polymorphism, developers can write several functions with similar names and use them across different applications with the help of libraries. C++ also introduced various quality-of-life features like exception handling and garbage collection, making applications more robust.

The International Organization of Standards (ISO) first standardized C++  in 1998. ISO has been amending this language over the last two decades, with the latest standardization in 2020.



Here is a list of the pros and cons of C++:


  • Highly portable and easy to integrate with existing applications.
  • OOP concepts simplify the coding process and help keep the code concise.
  • Low-level manipulation of data.
  • Efficient memory management with the help of constructors and destructors.
  • C++ is scalable and can be used to build resource-intensive applications.
  • C++ comes with faster compilation and better performance.
  • Exception handling helps build efficient code.
  • A large community lends exceptional support.


  • There are security concerns due to features like friend functions, pointers, and global variables.
  • Garbage collection is easier to implement but developers need to manage it.
  • The use of pointers can lead to abnormal memory consumption and system crashes if not implemented properly.
  • C++, a multi-paradigm language, can be highly complex in particular use-cases. The code written in C++ can become extremely complicated if developers aren’t careful.

Similarities between C and C++ programming languages

C and C++ are as similar as they are different. Here are their main similarities:

  • Both languages are used in system programming due to their compatibility with low- and high-level languages.
  • They are portable, compatible with various compilers, and can be converted into machine-understanding languages.
  • Their syntax is the same.
  • Developers can use the same keywords in C and C++ for the same results.
  • Both languages support inline comments // and block comments /* */.
  • They require developers to end statements with semicolons.
  • Each program file starts with the primary () method, and developers can import additional libraries using #include at the beginning of the code.
  • Developers have to take care of memory management manually.
  • Both languages are modular.

Differences between C and C++ Programming languages

The following table covers the significant differences between C and C++ programming languages:

C vs. C++ comparison


Both C and C++ are vital programming languages and are present in systems all around us. Because of their different strengths, they are used in different use cases. An important thing they have in common is their tendency to become complex as you scale up. With the help of  Tabnine, developers can develop their C and C++ code much faster and with little to no room for errors. Tabnine employs an efficient AI that autocompletes lines and blocks of code making development a breeze, saving precious time, and allowing developers to focus on what really matters. Choose your preferred IDE and get started.


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Software development 20 years ago, 20 years ahead

Posted on July 18th, 2022

I recently had the pleasure of talking to Nimrod Kramer from daily.dev about how software development has changed, and how it’s going to change in the years ahead. It’s easy to criticize the Software Engineering industry for not changing enough.

In his talk called  “The Future of Programming”, Bret Victor jokes about how all the great things that people predicted for programming – like auto-parallelism and structured code editors – never really happened. 

But if we compare software engineering now to software engineering 20 years ago, it has changed.

Think back to the development standards of the early 00s  They probably sound pretty awkward to you – waterfall planning, documents with UML diagrams, software installers on CDs… those last ones were not only uncomfortable, but also error-prone. Manual installation caused the Knight Capital software bug, and no-one wants to relive that mess. Agile and CI/CD aren’t just fancy buzzwords – they changed the field for the better.

In these past 20 years, software made the final shift from exotic to ubiquitous. Nearly every big company is a software company, to some degree. The Accelerate book shows evidence that ties companies’ bottom line with IT excellence. No wonder developers are the new gold.


So how will the software industry develop in the coming 20 years?

We can only guess. Michael Bar-Sinai speculated that more software domains will be regulated, like medical software which currently requires FDA approval. And with more devices becoming autonomous, it also raises the question of who is in charge of them. In fact, more and more think tanks like this one are dedicated to in-depth research into ethical practices around emerging technologies.

Another fascinating trend revolved around no-code and low-code platforms. Even today, you can develop software services like ETL or reports using little to no code. Will the scarcity of developers force software development to become more accessible wherever possible?


And taking it a step forward – will software development become more automated?  

One one hand, AI-assisted software development will not disappear. There are already large public datasets with annotated code available. If the last few years in data science have taught us anything, it’s that t whenever there’s is data available, researchers will find ways to leverage it.

On the other hand, machine learning models learn from repeating patterns. Could we find other ways to generalize those patterns? Ideally, smarter compilers and low-code platforms would allow for writing more high-level code – leading to code models learning more high-level patterns. This type of interchange between AI assistants and programming languages could lead to a software spiral effect of programming innovations. I’m certainly waiting to see that!


You can find the full recording here


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Top 10 online Java compilers

Posted on July 6th, 2022

Java is one of the most used programming languages in the world. It allows developers to quickly build robust, resilient, scalable, and secure apps. According to Statista, Java was used by more than 35% of developers worldwide in 2021.

Due to this increasing popularity, various java plugins, IDEs and compilers were introduced to make developer’s life easier. To give you a better understanding of the best online java compilers available, as well as to facilitate your choice of compiler, we have listed the top 10 online java compilers available in the market. 

What are Java Compilers?

A Java compiler is a program developers use to compile Java applications. It converts your high-level Java code (.java) into platform-independent, low-level bytecode (.class). The conversion is an essential step in the Java application life cycle since the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can only understand bytecode.

However, new developers often get confused between Java compilers and Java IDEs. IDE is a tool that consists of various features to help the development process. For example, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans are some of the most used Java IDEs.

Benefits of Using Compilers

Compilers convert a high-level language into low-level code, allowing the processor to understand the code. Although this is the primary task of a compiler, it is capable of much more than that.

Here are some of the most significant benefits of using a compiler:

  • Compilers generate executable files which are capable of running without the source code, improving the security and privacy of your program.
  • Compilers are faster than interpreters.
  • No additional applications are needed to execute the executables since compilers generate them based on the OS.
  • Generates machine code specifically for available hardware. So, your application can optimally run on any hardware specification.

Top 10 Online Java Compilers

1. Browxy

Browxy is a free Java compiler, installer, and editor for developing Java applications online. You can get started with Browxy by visiting its web page, and it allows you to modify the theme and text size as you prefer. It is one of the most user-friendly compilers available and provides a split view of the code and the output. You can keep track of your code in Browxy and make the code private or publically available by creating an account. In addition to Java, it supports many languages, including C, C#, C++, PHP, and Python.


  • Supports almost all Java libraries.
  • It’s compatible with both PCs and mobile devices.
  • In-built debugger.
  • Supports test running.


  • No auto-code suggestions feature.

2. JDoodle

JDoodle is another popular Java online compiler. Similar to Browxy, JDoodle also has a 3-way split view to code, enter command-line arguments, and view the output. In addition, you can save and share programs using JDoodle after creating an account. Apart from Java, it supports languages like C/C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, and HTML.


  • Easy to use.
  • Supports 76 languages.
  • JDoodle advance IDE supports multiple files, file reads, and custom libraries.
  • Interactive mode.


  • Basic Java IDE only supports a single file at a time.
  • No auto-code suggestions feature.

3. OnlineGDB

OnlineGDB is an online Java compiler with a built-in debugger. It is famous among developers due to the debugger, and it is beneficial when writing complex applications. Like any other debugger, you can observe the intermediate variable values and move through the code step by step using breakpoints.


  • The interactive terminal or a text file can be used to provide input.
  • Built-in code formatter and debugger.
  • Interactive console and split view.


  • Only Java 8 is supported.
  • The compilation is slow compared to others.

4. Codiva

Codiva is a popular Java compiler that supports mobile devices. Its auto-completion feature will save you a lot of time, and it compiles the code as soon as we start typing. Also, it displays all compilation mistakes and the outcome once we’ve finished typing.


  • Support mobile devices.
  • You can share the code as a URL or as an HTML snippet.
  • Syntax highlighter.
  • Keyword suggestion autocomplete.


  • It only supports Java, C, and C++, and there are no UI themes or compiler options.
  • Java 9 is supported by Codiva, although Java 9 modules are not supported.
  • There are no options for downloading or customizing the screen.

5. Replit

Replit is a powerful online compiler that supports over 50 programming languages. It has evolved from a simple editor to a feature-rich online development environment. It’s no longer just a Java compiler online. Third-party Jar files, libraries, and Java frameworks can be included. It offers support for project saving in the cloud and has a terminal emulator with many features.


  • Debugger for quickly detecting faults.
  • Provide a 3-way split view for files, code, and output console.
  • It’s lightweight while still having all of the functionality you need.
  • Linting is a lightning-quick process.


  • It can’t work on your own projects.
  • Complex than other online compilers.

6. CodeChef

Codechef is a free online Java programming tool that supports various languages, including Java, C, C++, and Python. It contains a lot of lessons for both beginners and expert programmers to help them develop their skills and teach others.


  • Users can open, edit, and download source files.
  • Can adjust font sizes.


  • Java source code compilation and execution is slow compared to others.
  • Several features are missing, such as the ability to create your files and projects.
  • It is more of a learning tool than a compiler.

7. OnlineJava

Online Java is a free Java IDE and a compiler that allows you to create, run, and share Java code. It’s one of the fastest, most reliable, and most powerful online java compilers available. Interactive program execution requires the user to provide real-time program inputs.


  • Simple to use.
  • Allows command-line argument to be used.
  • Provide auto code suggestions.
  • Support keyboard shortcuts.


  • You can’t create your own account, files, or projects.

8. OneCompiler

OneCompiler is a powerful, feature-rich online Java compiler that runs on Java LTS version 11. You can quickly build, run, and distribute Java code free using OneCompiler. When a user selects Java as their programming language and begins coding, the OneCompiler displays sample boilerplate code. It also has dependency management features for Gradle. Although it may be slow to run the first time you add the dependencies, it will get quicker with successive runs.


  • It’s so fast that it feels like it’s only running locally.
  • It runs your code on powerful cloud servers with a horizontally scalable architecture.
  • Provides auto-code suggestions.
  • Supports 60+ languages.


  • It doesn’t provide command-line arguments.

9. Iedone

Ideone is a famous online compiler and debugging tool that allows developers to compile and run code in more than 40 programming languages. Syntax highlighting, source code download and the possibility to make code public or private (accessible only by you) are some of the primary features of Ideone. While running java code, you may also keep track of the time it takes to execute the code, memory usage and error messages.


  • Supports multiple programming languages.
  • Syntax highlighting


  • Java source code compilation is a little slow.
  • It lacks functionality such as creating new files and projects, changing screen settings, and auto-suggestion.
  • The output is displayed in a separate tab.

10. Rextester

Rextester began as a Regular Expression Tester and has since evolved into an online IDE. It supports approximately 30 languages, including Java, but C# users prefer it. Rextester lets you choose from various editor widgets to suit your needs. It has a variety of themes and the ability to switch between them. Both vertical and horizontal layouts are supported. It allows you to save and share the source code as a URL.


  • Input can be in Text Format.
  • It has a range of editor and layout views.


  • There are no features such as creating own projects and files, downloading, or auto-suggestion.


This article discussed ten different Java online compilers with unique features. The suggestions provided should give you more clarity when it comes to choosing an online java compiler for your project. In software development, speed and accuracy are key. That is why developers need access to a variety of tools that enable them to perform better, improve productivity and focus on their core task: coding. Tabnine is an AI-based auto-competition tools that predicts the end of each code line based on past trends, enabling you to speed up your coding processes. You can choose your preferred IDE and get started for free.