
Dror Weiss

Tabnine raises $25M Series B funding to continue innovating in generative AI tools for developers
November 8, 2023
3 -min read
Atlassian Ventures and Telstra Ventures come on as investors to help Tabnine bring AI to…
Say hello to Tabnine Chat!
June 28, 2023
5 -min read
Today is a very exciting day at Tabnine: I’m thrilled to announce the launch of…
Tabnine: The enterprise-grade AI code assistant
February 15, 2023
7 -min read
The popularity of generative AI has broken out of tech circles and become a household…
Announcing our next-generation AI models
June 15, 2022
2 -min read
Today, I’m excited to make a few important announcements: 1,000,000+ developers use Tabnine! I’m happy…
Introducing Tabnine for Teams
August 4, 2021
2 -min read
We are thrilled to announce Tabnine for Teams. This update marks a major milestone on…
AI-assisted software development just got bigger: Welcome, Copilot!
July 13, 2021
2 -min read
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing nearly all aspects of life and business, and software development…
Kyle Simpson (@getify) is partnering with Tabnine to expand our developer empowerment program
August 4, 2020
2 -min read
I’m super excited to announce that Kyle Simpson, AKA @getify across social media and dev…
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We’ve raised $12M to continue helping you create better software
April 26, 2020
2 -min read
Today we’re announcing Codota’s recent financing of $12M. I’d like to thank our new and…
Tabnine is now part of Codota
March 23, 2020
3 -min read
Dear Tabnine and Codota users.  I’m excited to announce that Codota has acquired Tabnine late…