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How to Use the alert method in JavaScript

How to Use the alert method in JavaScript

The Window alert() method displays an alert box containing text and an OK button. In addition to alert(), there are two other types of popup boxes

Array to String in JavaScript

Array to String in JavaScript

JavaScript’s toString() method operates on a given object, returning its text representation as a string. Applying the toString() method to an array returns the values in

How to Use jQuery Promise with JavaScript

How to Use jQuery Promise with JavaScript

jQuery is a feature-rich JavaScript library. It is designed to simplify multiple areas of JavaScript development, including: DOM manipulation Event-based interaction Animations Ajax And more! jQuery’s

Global Variable in JavaScript

Global Variable in JavaScript

A Global variable is a variable that is declared in the global scope, making it a property of the global object. Global variables are accessible from

How to Use parseInt() in JavaScript

How to Use parseInt() in JavaScript

The parseInt function parses a string argument and returns an integer. In its most simple form, the function looks like this: const x = ‘8’; console.log(parseInt(x));

How to Use The Array map() Method in JavaScript

How to Use The Array map() Method in JavaScript

Array map() is a method included in the Array.prototype property which was introduced in ECMAScript 5 (ES5) and is supported in all modern browsers. Map is

How to Redirect to a Different URL with JavaScript

How to Redirect to a Different URL with JavaScript

There are many situations in which you might want to redirect a user to a new URL as they use your application. For example, releasing a

How to Change the Background Color with JavaScript

How to Change the Background Color with JavaScript

The background color is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) property of an element. We use CSS to modify this color, as well as for laying out

How to Use Asynchronous Functions in JavaScript

How to Use Asynchronous Functions in JavaScript

JavaScript is a synchronous language, yet sometimes asynchronous behavior is required. For example, you may need to use an asynchronous function while waiting for data to

How to Change The Page URL with JavaScript

How to Change The Page URL with JavaScript

Redirecting to a URL is one of the most common activities performed by JavaScript. As such, JavaScript offers multiple different ways to support redirects from the

How to Use onfocus with JavaScript

How to Use onfocus with JavaScript

The HTML DOM event onfocus is triggered whenever an HTML element it is assigned to receives focus from the user. This event is usually used with

How to Set an HTML Element’s Class Using JavaScript

How to Set an HTML Element’s Class Using JavaScript

The HTML class attribute is used to mark individual elements with a class, distinguishing it from other elements in the document. This allows front-end web developers