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How to Use the typeof operator in JavaScript

How to Use the typeof operator in JavaScript

The typeof operator accepts an operand and returns the type of the provided operand as a string. The following sample code shows the typeof operator in

How to Use the toString method in JavaScript

How to Use the toString method in JavaScript

JavaScript’s toString() method receives an argument, returning the object’s text representation as a string. The string value returned depends on the type of the argument that

How to Use the toLowerCase() method in JavaScript

How to Use the toLowerCase() method in JavaScript

JavaScript’s toLowerCase() method takes a string and converts it into a new string consisting of only lowercase letters. Remember: JavaScript strings are immutable. This method will

How to Replace a Whole String using JavaScript

How to Replace a Whole String using JavaScript

The replace() method operates on a String, returning a new string with the corresponding changes. Note: JavaScript strings are immutable. Syntax The syntax of the replace()

How to Use split in JavaScript

How to Use split in JavaScript

The split() method takes a string and returns an array of strings, splitting the original string based upon a provided separator character. This can be useful

How to Use the slice method in JavaScript

How to Use the slice method in JavaScript

The slice() method is a part of both the Array and String prototypes, and can be used with either type of object. The method returns items

Objects in JavaScript explained

Objects in JavaScript explained

In JavaScript, an Object is a special kind of data type. This article provides an introduction to one of JavaScript’s most important data types. One that

How to Use the indexOf method in JavaScript

How to Use the indexOf method in JavaScript

The indexOf() method is a part of the Array prototype and the String prototype, and therefore it applies to objects of both types. The method returns

How to Use functions in JavaScript

How to Use functions in JavaScript

Functions are an essential component of any programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. Functions spark life into the code, making it more dynamic. A function

How to Use the Array filter() method in JavaScript

How to Use the Array filter() method in JavaScript

The filter() method filters an array according to provided criteria, returning a new array containing the filtered items. The Array object’s filter() method is an iteration

Data types in JavaScript Explained

Data types in JavaScript Explained

Values in JavaScript each have a data type. JavaScript has multiple different data types, and each type has a different set of properties and methods. These

How to Use Array reduce method in JavaScript

How to Use Array reduce method in JavaScript

The Array object’s reduce method is an iteration method which, similar to other iteration methods (map(), forEach(), filter() etc.) helps us work through all of the